Day 12: Unwrap your gift from The Chocolate Spoon...
Day 12: It's the final day of advent gifts from The Chocolate Spoon. Today's offer - a mystery gift! Want to find out what offer you've...

Day 11: Unwrap your gift from The Chocolate Spoon...
Day 11: Today's gift for you - we're giving away a box of 12 gourmet cupcakes with every celebration cake order placed today! Choose any...

Day 10: Unwrap your gift from The Chocolate Spoon...
Day 10: Today's gift for you - we're giving away a box of indulgent, smooth Belgian Dark Chocolate Buttons (300g) with every order...

Day 9: Unwrap your gift from The Chocolate Spoon...
Day 9: Today's gift for you - Enjoy 20% off ALL gourmet cupcake orders placed today. Includes Made Without egg, gluten and vegan ranges....

Day 8: Unwrap your gift from The Chocolate Spoon...
Day 8: Today's gift for you - Free pack of 5 assorted Belgian chocolate spoons with every order (worth £4.50)! The perfect scoop for the...

Day 7 Unwrap your gift from The Chocolate Spoon...
Day 7: Today's gift from The Chocolate Spoon is a whopping £10 off any of our luxury celebration cakes. Whether you're after a chocolate...

It's National Cupcake Week! Go on, have some cupcakes on us...
It's National Cupcake Week - a week-long celebration of all things cupcake! Here at The Chocolate Spoon we think cupcakes deserve more...

❤ Happy Valentines Day from The Chocolate Spoon ❤
Happy Valentines Day! Personalised His 'n' Hers gingerbread always goes down well on Valentine's Day (they're popular on weddings,...

Fancy some Belgian chocolate vegan brownies?
Earlier this month we wrote a post about the growing global campain Veganuary that started here in the UK in 2014. The aim - encourage...

Taking part in Veganuary this month?
Veganuary we hear you ask? Veganuary is a global campain that started here in the UK in 2014. The aim - encourage more people to try...